The 4 Products That'll Help Treat Your Dandruff

The 4 Products That'll Help Treat Your Dandruff

The 4 Products That'll Help Treat Your Dandruff

For many people, dandruff isn't something they pay much attention to. It's often viewed as a minor problem that can be brushed off. But the truth is, dandruff can make your scalp itchy and irritated and make you feel uncomfortable in social situations. No one wants their head to become flaky and covered with white, dead skin cells (aka-dandruff). That's why it's important to find a treatment that gets rid of dandruff for good. That's where we come in because we’ve found 4 products that'll help treat dandruff for good! 

What is dandruff?

Most of us have had that shameful experience of brushing our shoulders off in public and finding a pile of white flakes scattered over our clothes. It's not a pretty sight, and it can be hard to know what to do about it—not to mention, what to do when the person you're dating starts doing the same thing! If you've ever wondered what dandruff is, and how to get rid of it, the answer is: dandruff isn't something to be ashamed of, but you should definitely consider treating it. 
Dandruff is a common condition that affects the scalp. It causes skin cells to grow and die more quickly than usual, resulting in a flaky build-up on your head as well as itching and dryness. Dandruff isn't contagious, and it doesn't usually indicate another problem with your health—but it can cause embarrassment or discomfort, which are good enough reasons for most people to want to get rid of it. 

Why do people get dandruff?

Dandruff affects everyone at some point in their lives. In fact, about half of all adults experience the symptoms at some point. It's especially common in those between the ages of 15 and 29, but can begin as early as puberty and continue throughout life. 
The biggest cause of dandruff is a yeast called Malassezia. This yeast is found on everyone's scalp, but it feeds on oil and dead skin cells, so if your scalp produces too much oil, you are more likely to develop dandruff. Another cause is a dry scalp, which can be caused by stress, extreme weather or not shampooing enough. There are a variety of other causes that can make the problem worse, including: 
• Certain hairstyling products 
• Using gels and sprays to style hair 
• Not shampooing frequently enough 
• Irritation from certain shampoos 
• Not brushing or combing hair often enough 
• Stress 
• Skin disorders 

How to care for dandruff

So, you've got dandruff. And you're not alone: millions of people around the world do, too. Luckily, there are plenty of things you can do at home to treat the concern. Here are a few simple tips that can help you combat dandruff and get your scalp back in good shape. 
1) Try an over-the-counter shampoo that specifically treats dandruff. 
2) Make sure you rinse with water as hot as you can stand it—just not so hot that it hurts! This kills the yeast on your scalp that causes dandruff. 
3) Once a week, use a purifying mask on your hair. This helps open up the pores on your scalp, which will allow any trapped dirt or dead skin to escape, leaving your roots feeling fresh and clean. 
4) Always brush and shampoo your hair before bedtime so your pillow doesn't get covered with flakes of dead skin cells. This helps prevent spreading dandruff to other parts of your body—especially since it also prevents you from scratching off those pesky flakes while sleeping! 
5) If all else fails, see a dermatologist who can prescribe an anti-dandruff shampoo. 

What ingredients should you look for in shampoo when treating dandruff?

Zinc pyrithione is a good choice for many situations, but you'll find it works better on some types of dandruff than others. If your flaking is mild and your scalp isn't particularly irritated or itchy, zinc pyrithione will do the job just fine.  

What ingredients should you avoid in shampoo when treating dandruff? 

Salicylic acid is another common ingredient for fighting dandruff. It may help remove dead skin from your scalp, but it won't treat the underlying cause of dandruff. You should also avoid products that claim to "restore" natural moisture balance since this isn't possible for any shampoo — this is simply a marketing gimmick that doesn't mean anything. Also avoid ketoconazole, which can be irritating and cause dryness. 

Our picks to control dandruff

1. Philip Kingsley Flaky Itchy Scalp Shampoo
The formula of this shampoo contains anti-microbial Piroctone Olamine, which helps to relieve your scalp while clearing it of skin cell build-up and stubborn flakes. Not only does this gentle formula soothe irritation and dryness, but it can help to restore the scalp's microflora balance without stripping or drying your hair. 


2. Klorane Shampoo with Peony
Formulated with natural extract from Peony that is responsibly cultivated in China, this shampoo works by soothing and comforting your sensitive and irritated scalp so you can find a source of relief. Its unique formula is designed to minimise the risk of allergic reactions. 


3. Moroccanoil Dry Scalp Treatment
The soothing and calming properties of this scalp treatment can help reduce dryness and invigorate the scalp to promote healthy, lustrous and beautiful hair.  
4. Philip Kingsley Flaky Itchy Scalp Mask 
Formulated with exfoliating salicylic acid, anti-fungal piroctone olamine and antioxidant-rich green tea extract, use this purifying mask on your hair once a week to open up your roots and cleanse your scalp. 


Shop Scalp Care for Dandruff at Oz Hair & Beauty today.