Hair Treatments Are The Key To Shiny, Healthy Hair

Hair Treatments Are The Key To Shiny, Healthy Hair

Hair Treatments Are The Key To Shiny, Healthy Hair

The sun has been out in full force this summer and we’ve talked about how those UV rays can damage your hair. Well, it’s time to restore some health to that beach swept hair.

How you ask? A hair treatment, of course!  In a world where we seem to be adding a thousand new products to our routines - especially in hair care - we promise you that a specialised treatment will make a world of difference. Who doesn’t want healthier and shinier hair, right?

While a hair treatment sounds like something you have to head to a hair salon for, we’re actually talking about the kind you can just put in at home once a week. What might seem like a simple - and short step - can actually make a huge difference for our locks, especially when you have the right product in hand. Learn more about the benefits of hair treatments and some suggestions on what to use for specific concerns.


So what exactly is a hair treatment anyway?

Hair mask, leave in conditioner - it goes by many names but essentially is a targeted treatment that will repair your hair. To put it into perspective, they’re like the serums of the hair world. While a hair conditioner will smooth out your locks, treatments are the next level repair with more active and restorative ingredients.


Can a 5 minute mask really change things?

Yes, yes it can. Our hair is already naturally pretty delicate but then most of us go and put it through constant straightening and blow drying too. So it’s safe to say it’s pretty fragile and needs some extra help on regaining its health. Plus a good hair treatment means healthy hair, which in turn also means soft, glossy, well-behaved hair. What’s not to love?


How do I know which one’s right for me and my hair?

With so many hair treatment products on the market, you’re probably asking which one is the right one for you? After all, everyone has different hair types and concerns. We'll try our best to break it down for you here.

Dry hair

Oil-infused treatments will be your best friend if you suffer from dry hair as it will infuse your hair shafts with all the amazing essential fatty acids.

We love the Moroccanoil Original Treatment which is packed with the super nourishing argan oil plus active ingredients that act to restore protein as well as fatty acids and omega 3 oils to ensure your hair is looking its best and feeling healthy. But do you know that they also have an Intense Hydrating Mask, which has been designed to pump hydration back into dry hair. It also improves elasticity and texture, ensuring that your locks will be stronger and break less.

Both of these treatments are great for frizzy hair and despite being an oil base, they are also light enough for fine hair.

Oily Hair

We said it once, and we’ll say it again - just because you have oily hair, doesn’t mean you can’t use oil-based products. But if you are actually just an oil slick and you’re looking to combat that, we’d recommend clay masks. Yep, you can get them for your hair as well!

For example, the Matrix Biolage Raw Rehab Clay Mask features that all-powerful kaolin clay which not only fights the oil but is actually super conditioning as well. Mixed in with rich honeycomb, it acts to rebuild strength in your hair - and not make it any oilier than it already is!


If your hair fluctuates depending on the season or you just have no real specific concerns other than strengthening it and increasing shine, there are some really, really good general treatments that can help.

South Australia-based label, Davroe are doing some incredible things across their completely vegan hair care range but especially in the restorative department. Their Luxe Leave-In Masque is one of our tried and tested favourites because you can leave it in and it absorbs almost immediately with no buildup. Your hair instantly feels soft and healthier, plus it provides UV protection as well! Use it with their sulfate free shampoo & conditioner and you'll have shiny, healthy hair in no time.


Or you can go for the ever-popular Olaplex No. 3 Hair Perfector.  It has a cult following for a reason! It literally reconnects broken bonds and restores protein to your hair. The longer it’s left in, the better it works - so feel free to leave it overnight! But it does need to be washed out. You can even get Olaplex shampoo and conditioner to go with it as well.



And to round off the all-rounders, we really can’t get enough of Kerastase’s Resistance Masque ExtentionisteWe sang the praises of the whole Resistance Extentioniste range in helping hair grow but also because it strengthens your hair and stimulates the scalp, ensuring that shine and softness is restored.



What about for the blondies?

Well, you can use all the masks we mentioned because you do have all the same concerns - hair breakage, dehydrated hair - but if you’re looking for a true blonde hair treatment, try the Fanola No Yellow Mask. Designed to be used with the No Yellow Shampoo - which is the holy grail purple shampoo - not only does the mask seal cuticles and acts as a nourishing treatment, it also acts as complements a toning shampoo by getting rid of any brassy tones and yellowness.



In the end, a lot of the problems you have with your hair need to be solved with more than a hair mask can fix, so it’s best to get the right shampoo and conditioner routine going as well. We opt for SLS-free ones but we also get that not all brands can do that due to the other benefits they offer.

Buy your hair treatment online at Oz Hair & Beauty now - and don’t hesitate to contact us if you need any help finding a treatment that suits your hair needs.

Did you love this post? There's much more where that came from! Read all about our best hair products for 2019, incredible hair treatments for thin fine hair and our top Australian hair products - all on the Oz Hair and Beauty blog today!