Ditch the itch: quick care tips for scalp issues

Ditch the itch: quick care tips for scalp issues

Ditch the itch: quick care tips for scalp issues

Sure, dandruff and flakes can be annoying enough, with their unsightly white snow dropping onto your shoulders at the worst possible time. But sometimes these problems are just one side effect of an even more insidious issue lying beneath your glorious mane. More major scalp issues can be downright uncomfortable, and cause you to have everything from itchy, red splotches to greasy skin, in addition to those dreaded flakes we just mentioned.


Don't know the proper steps for dealing with dry, itchy scalp problems off the top of your head? Relax, we've got you covered. Here are some pointers for getting rid of that icky look and feel and getting back to your comfortable best.

Common scalp issues

As we said, dandruff and flakes are nobody's friend. But unfortunately they are just some of the effects of other itchy scalp issues. Here are a few of the most common ones that pop up without an invite.


Scalp psoriasis

Scalp psoriasis is a skin condition in which you develop red, itchy and sometimes scaly patches of skin on your head. Scalp psoriasis can also spread to other parts of your skin, including areas down your neck and forehead.


Scalp dermatitis

Scalp dermatitis, also known as seborrheic dermatitis, is very similar to scalp psoriasis, so much so that it can be hard to tell the difference. But the devil is in the details, as scalp dermatitis is characterised by itchy areas that are more yellow and greasy than the scaly sections of psoriasis.


Scalp eczema

Scalp eczema is similar to eczema that you would find elsewhere on your body. Scalp dermatitis is actually a form of scalp eczema. However, not all forms of the issue are as dramatic as dermatitis. Some forms of eczema are limited to dry, itchy, flaky skin. That doesn't make it any less annoying though.


Tips for treating common scalp issues

So, how do you handle these frustrating issues when they pop up? Don't let them get you down. Here are some things you can do to stem the tide of itchiness and flakes.


Improve your arsenal at home...

Perhaps the first place to start is by adding some dandruff and scalp care products to your daily self care routine. Products with tea tree oil provide the soothing cool power to keep the top layer of your top layer healthy. Shampoos that feature coal tar and/or salicylic acid can be great additions, too. And anti-dandruff shampoo will have the antibacterial properties to keep some of those nasty issues we mentioned before from rearing their ugly heads atop your beautiful head. Remember, scalp care in winter is especially important as the temperature drops and you wrap your head up in beanies, so make sure you're stocked up heading into the colder months of the year.


...but don't go overboard

So, adding more products for cleansing your hair and scalp is a great idea. But, at the same time, you might want to consider cooling your jets when it comes to pumping other supplements into your hair. There's no problem with using some styling products to get that look you love. But try to go easy on them if you start having scalp issues. If you do decide to use them, stick to a strong washing routine to make sure they don't cause buildup in your hair. While we don't exactly know what causes some of the more frustrating scalp issues, good, overall hair and scalp health is always a good idea.


What's up, doc?

Sometimes you need to get help from the pros who know best. If you have severe scalp sores, you might need to invest in a medicated shampoo to target your problem. And if you problems persist, the doc might have to prescribe you a cream or lotion, or even some injections, to get to the root of the issue.



Don't let scalp issues – whether they be large or small – get the best of you. Check out the awesome products and accessories available online every day right here at Oz Hair & Beauty and find the pieces you need to make your itchy, scratchy issues a thing of the past.