The Skincare Products My Boyfriend Secretly Steals

The Skincare Products My Boyfriend Secretly Steals

The Skincare Products My Boyfriend Secretly Steals

My skincare regime has been something that’s been ingrained into my brain since I was a little lassie. Having grown up in the dance world, I wore makeup at an early age for dance competitions and concerts. So you better believe me when I say I had a skincare routine before I had a period. 

My mum taught me the basics and over time my routine has developed into acids, peptides and overnight masks. And while I‘ve had endless information and resources available to me the same cannot be said for my “better” half. He’s got...well me.  

A lot of you can probably relate when I say that this has been the thought process when it comes to your other halves skincare routines... 

“Let's just use the expensive products my girlfriend leaves in the bathroom and hope she doesn’t notice when the bottle is empty, leaving her to wonder how she used so much product in such a short amount of time.” 

Well let’s just say, I noticed matey! 

So after year’s the time finally came for me to have ‘the talk’ with him. We hoped onto the Oz Hair & Beauty website and used the product finder to discover the best products suited to his skin type and concerns. A decision I now regret because since then his skin has been looking so good that I am now jealous. Why does this always happen to us ladies. We spend so much time and money on our appearance and then the men come in and with minimal effort just look is unfair. 


What’s in my boyfriend's toiletry bag? 

After using the Oz Hair & Beauty product finder here’s what my boyfriend's skincare routine now consists of. He’s got normal to dry skin and his skincare concerns are ageing, uneven skin tone and bags under his eyes. So let’s go! 


Dermalogica Special Cleansing Gel 

After doing the quiz it became quickly apparent that Dermalogica was a great fit for his concerns and what better place to start then the Dermalogica Special Cleansing Gel. This iconic cleanser is mild enough to use everyday and he loves the way it foams up in the shower. Plus, the mild scent of Lavender soothes his skin and makes it “feel so clean” which is kind of the purpose so I’m glad the claim matches the result! 


Dermalogica Daily Microfoliant 

You can’t use the Dermalogica range without using their Daily Microfoliant so regardless of what the quiz said I was going to get him on this product anyway, it’s a dream! This rice-based powder activates when it comes into contact with water, so after you pour a bit into your hand and rub them together just sit back and watch the magic unfold. My partner manages a construction site so the amount of dirt that would make its way into his skin is endless. He wanted something that would scrub away the day and in his words “feel like sandpaper on my skin”. While I would never recommend taking a piece of sandpaper to the face (eek!) this has to be the safe solution to that problem. Being able to use this product everyday is a god send so no need to wait every other day to give your face the thorough clean it deserves. Plus, you can buy refills for this product, which, provided my boyfriend hadn’t broken the lid of the bottle would have been very handy. Rest in peace Microfoliant bottle. 



Dermalogica Powerbright Moisturiser 

Alright, so I’ve got him cleansing and exfoliating, now let’s be realistic, is he going to do a seven step skincare routine? No – not even I have time for all that, so let’s work smart and not hard. The Dermalogica Powerbright Moisturise SPF50 is the perfect thing that both ticks the moisturising and SPF box. Plus, niacinamide helps reduce the appearance of uneven pigmentation and balance skin tone, tick again! I find the dual nature of this product makes it a favourite amongst men, women and the general population of Australia to say the least. And if there’s a step he should never miss, it’s applying SPF, so this two for one approach is girlfriend approved. 



So there you have it, the products my boyfriend now can’t live without after stealing them from my bathroom cupboard for many years. It may seem bias but Dermalogica really was the best solution for him and hopefully after seeing this article he can become Dermalogica’s new spokesperson.  

Lastly, to put the cherry on top of this story he has even got another one of his colleagues onto his own skincare routine thanks to Oz Hair & Beauty. Word must travel fast around the worksite and I’m glad he took it upon himself to take an interest in looking after his skin. His future self will thank him for it! 

So head to Oz Hair & Beauty and get your boyfriends/partners/spouses/brothers and anyone really, to use our product recommender to find your ideal skincare routine!